Wabigoon Forest
FMU 130 - SFL: 541953
The Wabigoon Forest is approximately 732,677 hectares in size. It is one of three management units administered from the Dryden, Fort Frances, Atikokan MNRF District Office. The forest borders Lac Seul and the Whiskey Jack forests to the Northeast and Northwest, the Boundary Waters Forest to the south, the English river forest to the East, and surrounds the Dryden Forest. The Wabigoon Forest is currently operating under the 2019 - 2029 Forest Management Plan. Click Here to learn about how to get involved in forest management planning.

What's New!
The 2019-2029 Wabigoon Forest Management Plan (FMP) was approved by the MNRF Regional Director in April of 2019. All plan related documents, maps, and tables can be found on either the MNRF Natural Resources Information Portal (NRIP - www.nrip.gov.on.ca) or on this web page below.
2019-2029 Forest Management Plan
The Wabigoon Forest Management Plan provides the long--term management direction, prescriptions, and objective that will provide for sustainability of the forest. The Forest Management Plan (FMP) was prepared by the Plan author with the support of an multidisciplinary planning team including MNRF, industry, Indigenous and public members. A forest management plan is broken into four main part, Plan Text, Plan Maps, FMP Tables, and Supplementary Documentation (Supp Doc). These documents along with any amended documents can be found on NRIP.